


  • 利用嘴巴大聲念,掌握發音與字母的關聯,來記憶單字
  • 清楚每個句型、時態的用法,利用例句來記憶
  • 多練習段考題,增加實戰經驗
  • 利用名師學院系列產品,反覆觀看、補強弱點

as ~ as ~ 的用法

句型 例句
A + be + as + 原級 + as + B
A 像 B 一樣~
She is as pretty as an angel.
A + be + not + as/so + 原級 + as + B
A 不像 B 一樣~
He isn’t so poor as I.
= He isn’t as poor as I.
常見的「as + 形容詞 + as ~」的用法 s busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一樣忙
as easy as ABC 像 ABC 一樣容易
as proud as a peacock
as blind as a bat 像蝙蝠般盲目
as poor as a church mouse


句型 例句
A + be ( + even/much/a lot) + 比較級 + than B
A 比 B 更~(得多)
Tom is richer than I, but I’m cuter than he.
A + be ( + even/much/a lot) + more/less + 原級 + than B
A 比 B 更/更不~(得多)
Tom is richer than I, but I’m more handsome than he.
A + be + the + 比較級 + of the two ~
A 是兩者中較~者
Tom is the more popular of the two boys.
the + 比較級~,the + 比較級~
The more money you give me, the happier I’ll be.
比較級片語 例句
比較級 + and + 比較級
hotter and hotter 愈來愈熱
better and better 愈來愈好
more and more + 原級
more and more famous 愈來愈有名
more and more popular 愈來愈受歡迎
less and less + 原級
less and less convenient 愈來愈不方便
less and less cold 愈來愈不冷


句型 例句
S + be + the + 最高級 + of all
Taipei is the biggest city of all the cities in Taiwan.
S + be + the + 最高級 + in/at + 地方
Tom is the best student in my class.
S + be + the + 最高級 + of + 數量
He is the tallest of the three (boys).

不定代名詞 one/ones 的用法

不特定的可數名詞重複出現時,可用 one(s) 代替。
(1) a + 單數名詞 → one
A: Did you see a dog over there?
B: Yes, I saw one.
(2) 複數名詞 → ones
A: Did you see dogs over there?
B: Yes, I saw ones.
(3) a + adj. + 單數可數名詞/one
A: Did you see a big dog over there?
B: No, I only saw small ones.
(4) adj. + 複數可數名詞/ones

had better 的用法

had better 有威脅、警告或催促意味,較 should 和 ought to 的語氣更加強烈。
句型 例句
had better + Vr
You’d better stay here.(你最好待在這裡。)
He had better see a doctor.(他最好去看醫生。)
had better + not + Vr
You had better not smoke. It’s bad for your health.


感官動詞: see(看見)、watch(觀看)、look at(注視)、hear(聽到)、 listen to(傾聽)、feel(感覺)、smell(聞)等。
句型 例句
S + 感官動詞 + O + Vr ~
→ 受詞的動作完成

S + 感官動詞 + O + Ving
→ 受詞的動作進行中
I saw him steal a bike.
I saw him stealing a bike.
I saw him and ran away.



第一、二人稱所有格 + self
I → myself
you → yourself
第一、二人稱所有格 + selves
we → ourselves
you → yourselves
第三人稱受格 + self
he → himself
she → herself
it → itself
第三人稱受格 + selves
they → themselves
  • Tom → himself
  • George and Mary → themselves
  • Tom and I → ourselves
  • you and Bob → yourselves


用法/句型 例句
(1) 受詞與主詞相同時,則用反身代名詞。 Tom killed himself last night.
Tom, look at yourself.
Boys, look at yourselves.
The boys look at themselves.
(2) 強調某人親自做某事。
句型:S + 反身代名詞 + V ~
I myself did it. = I did it myself.
(3) 強調某人獨自做某事。
句型:S + V ~ + by + -self
I did it by myself. No one helped me.
= I did it alone. No one helped me.
= I did it on my own.
No one helped me.
(4) 某人玩得愉快:
句型: sb. + have a good time
= sb. + have fun
= sb. + enjoy + -self

He had a good time (in) dancing with me.
= He had fun (in) dancing with me.
= He enjoyed himself (in) dancing with me.
(5) 幫助自己(自行取用~):
句型:help + -self + to + N
They helped themselves to the food on the table. (他們自行取用桌上的食物。)
(6) 傷到自己:
句型: sb. + hurt + -self
= sb. + be + hurt
= sb. + get hurt

She hurt herself.(她受傷了。)
→ hurt 當動詞
= She was hurt.
→ hurt 當過去分詞
= She got hurt.
→ hurt 當過去分詞



形容詞 + ly(~地) slow → slowly 慢慢地
careful → carefully 小心地
「子音 + y」結尾的字變副詞的方法 → 去 y + ily heavy → heavily 重重地
busy → busily 忙碌地
形容詞與副詞同形 fast 快的/地
late 遲的/地;晚的/地
hard 辛苦的/地;堅硬的/地;難的/地
early 早的/地
不規則變化 good → well
有部分的名詞 + ly 會形成形容詞 friendly 友善的
lovely 可愛的
lonely 寂寞的


句型 例句
S + V ~ + prep. + O ~
S + V + O
S + be + Ving/p.p. ~
He walked into his room lazily.
= He lazily walked into his room.
= He walked lazily into his room.
She surfed the Net happily.
= She happily surfed the Net.
It is raining cats and dogs.
= It is raining heavily.
= It is heavily raining.
= It is raining hard.

so ~ that ~ 的用法

so ~ that ~ 解釋為「如此~以致於~」
句型 例句
S + be動詞/一般動詞 + so + adj./adv. + that S + can/can’t + Vr He is so young that he can’t go to school.
Jenny walks so fast that I can’t catch up with her.

spend/take/cost 的用法

1. spend(花費。動詞三態 spend-spent-spent):主詞一定是人,不可以是事物,後加價錢、時間均可,但如果再加動詞,動詞須是 Ving 或後加 on + sth.
句型 例句
sb. + spend + 金錢/時間 + Ving/on sth.
(某人花~錢/時間做某事 )
He spent three hours cleaning the house yesterday.
2. take(需要;費時。動詞三態 take-took-taken):主詞是事物,後加時間。
句型 例句
sth. + take(+人)+ 時間 + to + Vr
It took him three hours to clean the house yesterday.
3. cost(價值。動詞三態 cost-cost-cost):主詞須是事物,不可以是人,後加價錢。
句型 例句
sth. + cost + (+人)+ 金錢 (+ to Vr)
The book cost me three hundred dollars.
4. 綜合用法:
句型 例句
sb. + spend + 金錢 + Ving
= sb. + spend + 金錢 + on + sth.
= sb. + pay + 金錢 + to + Vr
= sb. + pay + 金錢 + for + sth.
= sb. + buy + sth. + for + 金錢
= sth. + cost + sb. + 金錢

I spent 30,000 dollars buying the computer.
= I spent 30,000 dollars on the computer.
= I paid 30,000 dollars to buy the computer.
= I paid 30,000 dollars for the computer.
= I bought the computer for 30,000 dollars.
= The computer cost me 30,000 dollars.

使役動詞 let 的用法

句型 例句
Let + sb. + Vr ~ 讓某人去做某事
*let 是使役動詞,後面的對象是受格。
Let him go.(讓他走。)
Let her do it.(讓她做這件事。)
Let’s + Vr ~ 讓我們一起做某事 Let’s do it.
比較 Let’s go dancing.
→ 所有人一起 Let us go dancing.
→ 「你」不一定要去