


  • 利用嘴巴大聲念,掌握發音與字母的關聯,來記憶單字
  • 清楚每個句型、時態的用法,利用例句來記憶
  • 多練習段考題,增加實戰經驗
  • 利用名師學院系列產品,反覆觀看、補強弱點


一、what date 用來詢問幾月幾號

類別 問句 答句
What date is (it) today?
= What’s the date today?
= What’s today’s date?
What’s the date of Mother’s Day?
It’s April 28th, 2009.
= Today is April 28th, 2009.
It is on the second Sunday of May.


類別 問句 答句
When is Father’s Day?
When do you have English class/lesson?
It’s on August eighth.
I have English class/lesson at eight o’clock.



  單數 複數
主格 所有格 受格 主格 所有格 受格
第一人稱 I my me we our us
第二人稱 you your you you your you
第三人稱 he his him they their them
she her her
it its it
2. 人稱代名詞受格的用法:
  • 作及物動詞的受詞:
    例:I know him.(我認識他。)
    → I 是主格,him 是動詞 know 的受詞
  • 作介係詞的受詞:
    例:He goes to school with her.(他和她一起去上學。)
    → He 是主格,her 是介係詞 with 的受詞

疑問詞 which 的用法

which:表示「選擇」,意思為「哪一個」。後面也可加上名詞或代名詞 one。
  問句 答句
which 當疑問代名詞的主詞
Which (one) is your father?
He is the one sitting on the bench.
which 當疑問代名詞的受詞
Which do you like, pork or fish?
I like fish.(我喜歡魚。)
Either will do.(都可以。)
Both of them.(我兩個都喜歡。)
Neither of them.(都不喜歡。)


1. 詢問可數名詞物品的價錢:
句型 例句
問句:How much + is + a/an + 單數名詞?

答句:It is + 價錢
How much is a hamburger?
It’s $35.(三十五元。)
= It’s thirty-five dollars.
問句:How much + are + the + 複數名詞?

答句:They are
How much are the oranges?
They’re $5 each.(一個五元。) They’re $100 a kilogram.
They’re ten for $50.
2. 詢問不可數名詞物品的價錢:
句型 例句
問句:How much + is + the + 不可數名詞?

It is + 價錢 + a/an + 單位
It is + 容器數量 + for + 價錢
How much is the milk?
It’s $50 a carton.
It’s two bottles for $90.
3. 其他詢問價錢的用法:要詢問價錢時,也可以用 price(價錢)或 sell(賣)這兩個字來詢問。例:
How much is it?(這個東西值多少錢?)
What’s the/its price?(價錢多少?)
How do you sell the oranges?(柳橙怎麼賣?)

用 How much/How many 詢問可數及不可數名詞數量

1. 詢問可數名詞的數量
句型 例句
How many + 可數名詞 + do/does + S + Vr?
How many comic books do you have?
( 你有多少本漫畫?)
I have twenty (comic books).
How many + 可數名詞 + are there + 地方副詞?
How many oranges are there in the basket?
There are three oranges in the basket.
How many bottles of milk are there in the fridge?
2. 詢問不可數名詞的數量
句型 例句
How much + 不可數名詞 + do/does + S + Vr?
How much water do you need?
I need two bottles (of water).
How much + 不可數名詞 + is there + 地方副詞?
How much milk is there in the fridge?


句型 例子
a/an ________ of ________
a bowl of rice 一碗飯
a loaf of bread 一條麵包
a piece of cake 一塊蛋糕
a cup of tea 一杯茶
a glass of juice 一杯果汁
a bottle of water 一瓶水
a carton of milk 一盒牛奶
a spoon of sugar 一匙糖
a slice of ham 一片火腿
an order of fries 一份薯條

疑問詞 what 開頭的句型

句型 例句
詢問 「事實」
What + do/does + S + V?
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to play tennis.
What + do/does + S + do + 時間副詞?
What do you do in your free time?
I read magazines.

以 What time/What day(s) 為首的問答句型

句型 例句
What time + do/does + S(人) + Vr…?
S + V + ~ + at + 時間.
What time do you have English class?
I have English class at ten a.m.
What time + be動詞 + S(事物)?
It is + 時間. It is ~ + at + 時間.
What time is it now?(現在幾點?)
Its four o’clock.(現在四點。)
What time is your English class?
It’s at 6:30 p.m.
What day(s) + do/does + S + Vr…?

S + V + ~ + on + 星期-s/every + 星期.
What days do you go to the gym?
I go to the gym on Mondays.
= I go to the gym every Monday.

疑問詞 who 開頭的句型

句型 例句
Who + 第三人稱單數動詞 + 受詞?
Who likes me?(誰喜歡我?)
Adam likes you.(亞當喜歡你。)
= Adam does.
Who needs the book?
I need the book.(我需要這本書。)
= I do.

have/has to(必須)的用法

句型 例句
S + have to + Vr ~
The rich have to help the poor.
You have to take notes in class.
S + do/does + not + have to + Vr ~
I don’t have to do the dishes today.
He doesn’t have to take care of his sister.
Do/Does + S + have to + Vr ~ ?
Yes, S + do/does. Yes, S + have to/has to.
No, S + don’t/doesn’t.
No, S + don’t/doesn’t + have to.
Does he have to go?
Yes, he does.
= Yes, he has to.
No, he doesn’t.
= No, he doesn’t have to.

動詞 play 的用法

用法 例如
play + 遊戲
play computer games 玩電腦遊戲
play video games 玩電視遊樂器
play online games 玩線上遊戲
play chess 玩西洋棋
play cards 玩撲克牌
play + 球類運動
play baseball 打棒球
play basketball 打籃球
play volleyball 打排球
play tennis 打網球
play golf 打高爾夫球
play + the + 樂器
play the piano 彈鋼琴
play the guitar 彈吉他
play the violin 拉小提琴
play the drums 打鼓
play ~ with + sb./sth.
The dog is playing with a baseball.
注意!  彈奏樂器中間一定要有 the