• 不定詞的用法
  • 關係代名詞的用法
  • 分詞構句
  • 假設語氣



  • 利用字卡、書寫、發音等方式幫助單字記憶
  • 多讀幾遍課文,讓句型與用語在腦海留下深刻印象
  • 忌諱一知半解,要將錯過的題目搞懂
  • 利用名師學院系列產品,反覆觀看、補強弱點


To + V, S + V
to + Vr 或 Ving 都可以當主詞,但表示「目標,計畫,未發生的事」用to + Vr,表示過去經驗時用Ving。
例句 To attend NTU is most high school students’ goal.
例句 Studying abroad is a wonderful experience to me.

It + is/was + adj. + (not) to V
例句 It is useless to cry over spilt milk. (覆水難收。)
例句 It’s impossible to live in LA without a car. (住在洛杉磯不能沒有車。)



先行詞 主格
動物、事物 which
人、動物、事物 that

S + V + N + that/who/which + V
例句 I’m looking for a boy who wears a hat.

S + that/who/which + V ~+V ~
例句 The house which is located there is mine.

S + V + that-clause
that 當關代時的一般用法:可代替人、動物、事物,當主格、受格,當直接受格時可省略。
例句 There was a car accident that caused a traffic jam yesterday.

S + V ~ who/which/that + V + ~
例句 That is the teacher that taught me English.(那位就是教我英文的老師。)

S + V ~, who/which + V + ~
當關係代名詞who/which 沒有緊鄰其所代表的先行詞時,關係代名詞前需要逗號,且不可用that 代替。
例句 There is a man in that room, who can help you.
例句 I like the MRT in Taipei, which is so convenient.
→ 此句中的which 指的是MRT,不是Taipei。

關係代名詞which 可用來代表前面整句話或整件事情,此時which 前需要逗號,which 不可用that 代替。
例句 She lied to me, which hurt me.(她對我說謊,這事傷害了我。)
= She lied to me, and that hurt me.


Adv. clause, S + V
conj. + S1 + V, S1 + V = (conj.) + Ving/p.p., S1 + V
例句 When he drove home, he saw a frightening accident.
= When driving home, he saw a frightening accident.
例句 As he didn’t know what to do, the boy burst out crying.
= Not knowing what to do, the boy burst out crying.

conj. + S1 + V1, S2 + V2
→ (conj.) + S1 + (not) + Ving/p.p., S2 + V2 → 兩邊的子句都要保留主詞
例句 If the weather permits, we’ll go picnicking.
= The weather permitting, we’ll go picnicking.
例句 The room cleaned by us, Mom was very pleased with it.

S + V1 ~, V2-ing ~
S + V1, and V2 = S + V1, Ving/p.p.
例句 She sat there, not saying anything.
例句 I lay on my bed, reading a novel.
S1 + V1 and S2 + V2 = S1 + V1, S2 + (not) + Ving/p.p.
例句 The old man sat there , his eyes closed.
例句 Tina rode a bike happily, her hair blowing in the air.


as if 的重要用法
S1 + V + as if + S2 + Ved/were → 與現在事實相反
例句 The boy talks as if he were an adult.

S1 + Ved + as if + S2 + had + p.p. → 與過去事實相反
例句 She looked at me as if she had seen a ghost.
例句 He looked as if he hadn’t slept at all.